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A.M. Gorky Institute
of World Literature
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

IWL RAS Publishing

A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature
of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Povarskaya 25A, bld. 1, 121069 Moscow, Russia



Types of publications

About the author:

Anastasija V. Firsova — PhD in Geography, Associate Professor at the Department of Tourism in the Perm State National Research University, 15 Bukireva str., bldg. 5, 614990 Perm, Russia.

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The museum “House of Pasternak” has opened in the village of Vsevolod- Vilva of the Alexandrovsky district of the Perm Territory of the Russian Federation in 2009. Its expositions tell about the poet’s stay in the Urals in 1916; but the museum has no exhibits that have the memorial status. The only living witness of Pasternak’s stay here is the cedar, as well as natural landscapes, which captured in the lyrics of 1916 and the novel “Doctor Zhivago” (1945–1955). In the “House of Pasternak” natural environment and poetic paths have become a full-fledged object of display, but in order to designate these objects as genuine elements of the landscape, are needed a project method and a geopoetic approach. The research of phytonyms in the lyrics of Pasternak led the authors of the project to create the concept of “The Poet’s Garden” — a landscape exposition in which botanical and geo-ethical images determine the structure — the poetic matrix of the landscape. The intersection of poetry and the components of the natural landscape forms toposes — a semantic space, in which, thanks to the events taking place, the plots of being manifest themselves. Thematic zones of “The Poet’s Garden” construct a literary landscape, each step along which is the path along the milestones of the life of the poet and of any person, the world of things that surrounds us becomes the subject of inspiration. The thematic zones of “The Poet’s Garden” should be perceived in motion. Each step here is a new stage in the formation of a creative personality: “Childhood”, “Falling in love”, “Separation”, “Youth”, “Maturity”, “Eternity”. Each thematic zone is supplemented with art objects, which represent the episodes of Pasternak’s biography and their poetic reflection. The garden expands the exposition space of museum and allows to generate additional meanings.

  • Keywords: literary place, literary landscape, exposition, geopoetics, phytonyms, lyrics by B.L. Pasternak.


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